Serializing a Clojure Object
I lied. In the last post I said I show how to serialize a Clojure Object to JSON. We’re not going to do that. It turns out that there’s a much better way when you’re using Clojure on the server and ClojureScript in the browser: you convert the clojure data structure to a string and then you eval it on the other end.
Here’s the data structure we’re going to serialize:
{:done false, :task "Write a ClojureScript webapp"}
In the handler, we’re going to add a new route to respond to GET /task.
(GET "/task" [] (pr-str {:task "Write a ClojureScript webapp" :done false}))
That’s it! You just call pr-str, and the data structure get’s converted to a string that can be eval’d (more on that later).
As always, this code is available on Github.
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16 September 2012