In the previous installment, we generated a skeleton app based on a built in Compojure template. You can read all about compojure here, but I won’t discuss that now. We’ll have plenty of time for that later.

If you run the tree command in the newly created todo-compojure folder, you should see a directory structure like so:

├── project.clj
├── src
│   └── todo_compojure
│       └── handler.clj
└── test
    └── todo_compojure
        └── test
            └── handler.clj

The Project File

Here’s the generated project file:

The Handler

The Test Case

And finally, the test case.

Download It!

I’ve uploaded all of the above to GitHub, but it should be identical to what you just created.

Like most project skeletons, there really isn’t much to see, but it is minimally functional. In the next installment, we’ll go about creating a simple task object and serving it as JSON.

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13 September 2012
