Testing an Om component
This post is a quick tutorial on testing an Om component. I assume you know what Om and clojurescript are. I extracted this piece from a larger work-in-progress which will hopefully be available soon.
If you go to the GitHub project page for Om, you will find a small section on testing Om components. This is basically just a pointer to a project built on Om, and the implied message is that you should read the source. Well, I went ahead and did that for you, and this is what I found.
Om tests fall in the category of integration tests. Your tests are dependent on a third party API (Om) and a complex runtime environment (a browser). This means that there’s going to be a non-trivial amount of setup. By the end of this post, you should have:
- Configured Leiningen to build/execute your tests
- A headless browser environment (slimerjs)
- Some utilities for creating DOM nodes in which to run the tests
- Some examples on which to base further work.
Basic Setup
We’re going to use the test functionality built into cljsbuild to run our tests. This means adding a new map to the build vector to define how the test code is built:
{:id "tests"
:source-paths ["src-cljs" "test-cljs"]
:compiler {:pretty-print true
:output-dir "resources/private/js"
:output-to "resources/private/js/unit-test.js"
:preamble ["react/react.js"]
:externs ["react/externs/react.js"]
:optimizations :whitespace } }
If you’re familiar with building clojurescript already, this should be pretty
familiar. The test code and the app code are being compiled into a single
javascript file named unit-test.js
. Since Om relies on the react library,
we’re telling cljsbuild to include the react source in the generated
javascript file.
Next, we need to add the test configuration itself:
:test-commands {"unit-tests" ["node_modules/slimerjs/bin/slimerjs" :runner
This configuration tells cljsbuild to run our tests using slimerjs as the javascript runtime. The second member of the vector (:runner) will be replaced by the clojurescript.test plugin at runtime with the path to a javascript test runner provided by clojurescript.test. Finally, our code to be tested is the third element in the vector. It will be passed to the runner script for execution.
To make leiningen replace the :runner keyword with the path to the provided script, add clojurescript.test to to your plugins vector.
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.4-SNAPSHOT"]
[com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.3.1"]
[lein-npm "0.4.0"]]
You’ll notice that we also have lein-npm included in our plugins configuration. This allows us to include node.js dependencies in our project. Specifically, we include slimerjs in our project with just the following configuration.
:node-dependencies [[slimerjs "0.9.2"]]
With all of this in place, we now have a self contained build capable of testing our application.
Some Utilities for Generating DOM
In order to test an Om component, we’ll need a little bit of DOM in which to mount that component. Specifically, we’re going create a uniquely named div and append it to the document body. We’ll use Prismatic’s Dommy for this.
This utility generates a unique ID which we’ll use to identify the container. The overloaded form is simply for testing.
(defn new-id
(str "container-" (gensym)))
(str "container-" id)))
The container itself is just a div. The parameter is used as the div’s ID attribute.
(defn new-node [id]
(-> (dommy/create-element "div")
(dommy/set-attr! "id" id)))
This function will append the node to the document body.
(defn append-node [node]
(dommy/append! (sel1 js/document :body) node))
Finally, a utility to generate uniquely named container div within the page:
(defn container!
(container! (new-id)))
(-> id
Here’s a usage example:
(deftest test-container
(let [c (container! "container-1")]
(is (sel1 :#container-1))))
This code instantiates a container providing an ID. This is useful for testing, but you’ll typically want to use the no-arg version that generates a unique ID.
The Test Case
Now, here’s the test case that’s going to drive the first bit of implementation:
(deftest video-element
(let [c (container!)]
(om/root core/video {} {:target c})
(is (sel1 :video))))
This creates the container as described above, instantiates an Om component (which we’ll write shortly) named video, and asserts that the video element exists in the page.
This test will fail, because we haven’t defined our video component.
The Implementation
Here’s the implementation we’ll use to make this test pass. This component just renders an empty video element by implementing the IRender protocol.
(defn video [data owner]
(render [this]
(dom/video nil nil))))
This should be sufficient to make our tests pass, but it’s not all that interesting. In the next post, I’ll test drive an interactive component.
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